Birding Trip Reports - Other

Overseas Birding Trip Reports available by clicking on the links below, broken down as:


See the Birding Trip Reports - Cape May,  NJ,  USA page for a series of reports from Cape May.

Pdfs best viewed using Adobe Reader.

All photos copyright of the author unless stated otherwise.

NORTH AMERICA (exc. New Jersey)
California, USA (September 2012)

Simply stunning introduction to CA includes the visit to Santa Cruz Island, home to the endemic Island Scrub Jay and Island Fox. Also a nice selection of raptors along the Pacific coast and a variety of passerines and shorebirds.

Lawrence's Goldfinch seen as we left the coast and Yosemite didn't disappoint with views of Sooty Grouse, White-headed Woodpecker, Cassin's Finch and Black Bear. Mono Lake was different hosting many speciality species such as Brewer's Sparrow and Sage Thrasher.

It was hot and the birding was likewise! Mountain Bluebird and Greater Sage Grouse started things off and Lewis's Woodpecker and Clark's Nutcracker added to the variety. California City proved to be an oasis for passage migrants.

En route to Salton Sea, this Hummingbird site didn't disappoint, although they could be tricky to ID.

Now very hot! The Salton Sea hosted loads of birds including Franklin's and Yellow-footed Gulls and other specialities of the arid soundings including Lesser Nighthawk. back to the relative cool Pacific Coast and the lifers kept on coming with California Gnatcatcher a highlight.

Washington State (USA) and Vancouver (Canada) - Sep. 2008
A great introduction to western species. Highlights included Black-throated Grey Warbler, pelagic species such as Fork-tailed Petrel and Pink-footed Shearwater and first look at Long-billed Curlew.




Cyprus 2024 
- April (pdf)

Nice to see Semi-collared, Collared and Pied Flycatchers and returning Rollers and Eleonora's Falcons. A good variety of species seen with Little Crakes being present throughout at Agia Varvara a highlight, but not to forget sightings of Bee-eater and Blue-cheeked Bee-eater. Wader passage evident with 3 Red-necked Phalaropes seen at Akrotiri's Lady's Mile and Citrine Wagtail present nearby.
Cyprus 2023 
- September (pdf)

Focus on raptor migration and 17 species seen with Honey Buzzards dominating. Fantastic opportunity to study juvenile Honey Buzzard plumage and note a variety of raptors including Accipiters, Harriers, Falcons, Osprey, Black Kite and a couple of Eagle species. Away from the raptors 1000s of Bee-eaters and Swallows moving through, plus regular sightings of Little Swift amongst the Pallid Swifts over Akrotiri.

Cyprus 2023 - March (pdf)

Decent Spring bird migration during the period with a Didric Cuckoo and Black-bellied Sandgrouse being unexpected. Nice studies of Eastern Bonelli's Warblers throughout.

Cyprus 2022 - November (pdf)

A variety of species seen with some expected winter visitors including Wallcreeper at a traditional site, Armenian Gulls and a few unexpected ones such as a very confiding Little Bittern.

Cyprus 2022 - March / April (pdf)

A lingering Finsch's Wheatear at the beginning and a smart Caspian Plover at the end, and with good birding in between. A selection of passerines, Pallid Harriers and Short-toed Eagles added to the variety. Not to forget, and by luck, in finding a rarity - Tree Sparrow.

Cyprus 2019 - October (pdf)

Nice to see the first returning Finsch's Wheatear. and also Greater Sandplover.  Eleonora's Falcon still present and migrating Red-footed Falcons put on a nice show. Good variety seen with a hunting Goshawk one of the best sightings of the week.

Cyprus 2019 - March / April (pdf)

Early Spring and bird migration well underway. Lesser Whitethroats were everywhere, hirundines in as were Swifts and Black-eared Wheatears were particularly numerous. Many highlights both common and rare. Semi-collared Flycatchers were very nice to see as well as Eastern Orphean Warbler. Fantastic Pallid Harriers were almost commonplace.

Cyprus 2018 - October / November (pdf)

Late Autumn in the birding season - end of October / early November. Good variety of species seen including wintering specialities -  Finsch's Wheatears, Moustached Warbler and Armenian Gulls and a big rarity in the form of a Red-fronted Serin. Eleonora's Falcon still present and they didn't disappoint.


Cyprus 2018 - March (pdf)

Just after mid March, good birding with Spring migration taking shape. Rarities seen included Bimaculated Lark, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, pallid Harriers and Cream-coloured Courser

Cyprus 2017 - October (pdf)

Mid October Cyprus birding where the Falcons stole the show. Plenty of passage Red-backed Shrikes seen and generally a good variety of birdlife on offer.

Cyprus 2016 - October (pdf)

Early-mid October in Cyprus. Highlights included Scopoli's and Yelkouan Shearwaters, Desert Wheatear and Eleonora's Falcons.

Cyprus 2016 - April (pdf)

Mid April in Cyprus, fantastic birding, stunning Pallid Harriers and Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters plus a rarity - Hooded Wheatear.

Cyprus 2014 (pdf)

An early autumn visit to see new species which included the amazing Eleonora's Falcons.


Helsinki 2010 (pdf)

A trip to see friends and managed some birding connecting with Pygmy Owl and Eagle Owl in and around Helsinki.


France 1998-2001 (pdf)

Birding in and around Grenoble including neighbouring ski resorts. Highlights included Golden Eagle (scarce), Rock Bunting, Alpine Chough and Wallcreeper.

France 2002 (pdf)

Birding the Camargue and Crau in July 2002. A good variety of marsh birds and Mediterranean specialities seen. Highlights for me included Slender-billed Gull, Eagle Owl, Bonelli's Eagle and a variety of Terns.


2000 - date: Baden-Württemberg (pdf)

Birding with friends from UK now living in Germany. The annual trip has produced some very good birding especially at the Waghausel wetland north of Karlsruhe and the north west corner of the Black Forest. Highlights from the trips are to many to mention all.

Pallid Harrier, Black Forest, April 2014 (pdf)

An unexpected surprise, here's a bit of a description of a ringtail Pallid Harrier as it flew from the valley over into the Black Forest.



Budapest 1999 (pdf)

Highlights inc. Middle-spotted Woodpecker & Red-backed Shrikes


Yokohama and Tokyo (2001) (pdf)

Good birding in sticky conditions connected with Varied Tit, Long-billed Plover, Black-tailed and Slaty-backed Gulls plus lots of other good birds and subspecies.


Spain 1999 - Andalucia (pdf)

A visit to the famous Coto Doñana. Brilliant birding highlights included Red-necked Nightjar, Eagles and other Mediterranean gems.

Spain 2003 - Andalucia (June) and Extremadura (Oct) (pdf)

Contrasting landscapes offering different birding. Highlights included Black Wheatear, White-rumped Swift, Black-bellied Sandgrouse and Bonelli's Eagle.

Spain 2006 - Extremadura, Ebro Delta, Zaragoza and Pyrenees (pdf)

Finally saw a Bearded Vulture on the last day. Good all round birding in varied landscapes with amazing view of a Spanish Imperial Eagle in Extremadura.

Spain 2015 - Extremadura... and a bit of Castile and León 

Stunning looks at Lesser Kestrels, Spanish Imperial Eagles, Southern Grey and Woodchat Shrikes, plus a variety of birds in this amazing place.

Spain 2016 - Extremadura... and a bit of Castile and León 

5 species of eagle including stunning looks at Spanish Imperial Eagles. Fantastic birding on the plains.

Spain 2019 - Extremadura... and a bit of Castile and León 

Good all round birding with sightings of Spanish Imperial Eagles and other raptors, plus a variety of birds seen in and around Trujillo. The Sierra de Gredos produced sightings of Blue and (Common) Rock Thrush, 'no spot' Bluethroat and Ortolan and Rock Buntings.


Nyköping and Stockholm 1997 and 2000 (pdf)

Visits to this peaceful rocky coastline of the Baltic south of Stockholm. Home to Black Woodpecker, Elk and Caspian Tern.


Nyköping and Stockholm 2002 (pdf)

Return trips in 2002 produced fantastic views of Eagle Owl, and Common Rosefinch with skulking Thrush Nightingales and Marsh Warblers in full song. Twitched an Iberian Chiffchaff, miles off range!

Nyköping, Stockholm and Uppsala 2004 and 2004/05 (pdf)

A couple more visits, enjoyed the kind hospitality of a Swedish New Year. Twitched Hawk owl, Pine Grosbeak and a 'sibricus' Great Grey Shrike.

Sweden - Checklist (pdf)



Madeira and Porto Santo (2010) (pdf)

This emerald isle home to Madeiran Firecrest, Fea's and Bulwer's Petrel and Plain Swift.
