Birding Trip Reports - Cape May, NJ, USA

I've been lucky to spend a lot of time birding at Cape May, New Jersey, USA. Please click on the links below to access the trip reports (pdfs).

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All photos copyright of the author unless stated otherwise.

Checklist - Cape May and New Jersey (with a bit of NY) 2000 - date (pdf)

May 2018 (pdf)

World Series of Birding 2018 champions!!!

Magnificent Frigatebird, Swainson's Warbler and good all round birding!

May 2017 (pdf)

World Series of Birding 2017 plus good birding in and around Cape May (200 species). Highlights include Northern Bobwhite, Sedge Wren and a Black Bear cub seen in northern NJ!

Oct 2015 (pdf)

Rares from the west, fantastic reverse migration and Eagles stole the show! A nice variety of species seen during this 10 day trip.

May 2015 (pdf)

World Series of Birding – sightings during the trip included 1 lifer – Painted Bunting, plus good all round birding. Not to forget the magical calling male Black Rail and White-faced Ibis.

May 2014 (pdf)

World Series of Birding – highest total for Team Sightings during the trip included 3 lifers – Whip-poor-will, Bicknell’s Thrush and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks plus a stunning Cerulean Warbler at Cape May Point.


Enjoyed World Series of Birding and saw a scarce White-faced Ibis in May. In the autumn had an excellent study of Alder Flycatcher and lots of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers


Finally saw a Barred Owl!  A singing male Cape May Warbler at Lily Lake on a  quiet Spring day was noteworthy. In September twitched the long staying Brown Booby and I found a Black-throated Grey Warbler, rare on the eastern seaboard. I was well pleased that many others could enjoy it as it hung around for a couple of hours. A cracking trip! I was also very pleased to see a passage Swainson’s Hawk and White Ibis was new as well.

 May 2010 (pdf)

Enjoying World Series of Birding and Spring birding at Cape May, NJ. Connected with a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, a stunning rarity plus Black-necked Stilt (scarce in NJ) and a late migrant – Willow Flycatcher. Star for me was the stunning views of a singing Kentucky Warbler in Belleplain State Forest, NJ.

First day of the trip in May and I connected with a Swallow-tailed Kite in Cape May, NJ. Wow! Ventured off piste over on the ferry to DE and twitched the local Brown-headed Nuthatches. Good birding in autumn as usual and even saw NJ’s third ever Roseate Spoonbill holding out at Brigantine, and twitched a passage Ross’s Goose at the same site.

 May 2008 (pdf)

Another attempt at the World Series of Birding. Highlights after the race included White-winged Dove and displaying Common Nighthawks.


My first attempt at the World Series of Birding with Team A fantastic experience and Spring birding produced many new species. Sep 2007 noted for the fantastic views of American Kestrels hunting along Sunset Boulevard, Cape May, NJ.

Sep/Oct 2005 (pdf)

Good variety at Cape May, NJ including Warblers, Thrushes, American White Pelican and a rare ‘Western’ Hummingbird, but was it a Rufous or Allen's Hummingbird?

Oct 2004 (pdf)

Birding Cape May, NJ and finishing up at Central Park, New York, NY. Highlights included passage passerines including Kinglets as well as loads of shorebirds and terns at Stone Harbour Point and the Thrushes of Central Park.

Sep 2003 (pdf)

First proper visit in fall to Cape May, NJ. Good to see the migrants moving through and experience the varied birding habitats of Cape May. Highlights included Least Bittern, Clay-coloured Sparrow plus taking in a variety of Warblers and Raptors.

Nov 2001 (pdf)

After attending a wedding in New York, NY, off to Cape May, NJ. Late for the typical fall migration but birding was good. Highlights included King Eider, wintering Sparrows and Snowy Owls.

 Aug 2000 (pdf)

A conference trip to Washington DC and then on to Cape May, NJ, via Bombay Hook, DE. First time at the hotspot and lots to take in. Highlights  included Buff-breasted Sandpiper.