Birding Videos (YouTube)

Birding Videos taken over the years presented below. They've been uploaded to my YouTube channel (Jonathan's Birding Blog). Please take a look, have a trip down memory lane!

Clicking on the links below the pictures to launch the videos on You Tube. Each footage will open in a separate window. Please enjoy. 

The early videos were produced through digiscoping video (Nikon CP4500 and ED111 60mm scope (20-60x zoom)). Since mid 2012 using the video mode of a Panasonic Lumix FZ45 "bridge" camera. More recently there are several examples of phone scoping videos  (Samsung S3 Mini and ED111 60mm scope (20-60x zoom)). Please enjoy.


A compilation from London and nearby early in the year including a record of the Northern Waterthrush in Essex, Short-eared Owls at Rainham Marshes RSPB, Ferruginous Duck at Snaresbrook, London and a record of the White-billed Diver in the Thames estuary, Essex. Next up another compilation but of scarce gulls in London, Caspian, Yellow-legged and Mediterranean Gulls, along the Thames and also at Wanstead. A compilation from Cyprus in April 2024 includes a variety of different species such as Great Snipe, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and Collared Flycatcher. A record of the fly over Osprey near Upper Midhope, South Yorkshire in late May 2024.



London birding and first up the returning (adult) Caspian Gull at Eagle Pond, Snaresbrook with a 1st winter present near Rainham Marshes RSPB later in January. Also in the compilation showy Black-necked Grebes at Staines Reservoir near Heathrow airport where the rare visitor - drake Lesser Scaup showed at distance. Back to the east and an adult Mediterranean Gull joined Black-headed Gulls on the shore near Erith Pier. Another Caspian Gull features in the next video, a colour-ringed 1st Winter present on the Thames shore near Rainham Marshes RSPB, London on Saturday 11 February 2023. It was ringed at a Caspian Gull colony in SE Poland in June 2022. A trip to Cyprus in March with a compilation and then separate footage of the amazing Diederik Cuckoo (2nd/5th Cyprus/Western Palearctic) that showed up in the south east corner of the island near Lake Paralimni. Easter compilation featuring Ring-necked Duck, Ring Ouzel and Common Cranes. Latest footage, record video of an Osprey that flew low over Rainham Marshes RSPB on Saturday 22 April 2023. A compilation from a long weekend in Germany including footage from the Waghäusel and Saalbachniederung reserves near Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg followed by Little Owl (Herts.), a one day visit of Black-winged Stilt (Yorks.) and Honey Buzzard (Notts.). Summer birding next with several Yellow-legged Gulls in London from June and July, and footage of the Night Heron and Spoonbills at RSPB Adwick Washland, South Yorkshire. Saturday 19 August 2023 and a record of the flock of 19 White Storks heading south over Erith, London mid afternoon. No matter their origin, brilliant to see. A passage Osprey from Aberdeenshire that lingered at Lee Valley CP, Herts. in September and the following weekend I caught up with the Brown Booby on the Yorkshire border at South Gare, Redcar. A couple of compilation from Cyprus featuring Raptors (Honey Buzzard - lots! plus friends) and Non Raptors (including Bee-eaters). Fantastic views of the London Great Northern Diver and Black-throated Diver that fished on Staines Reservoir (North Basin) in early December. The year ended with constant wind and rain but the compilation still had some highlights namely the Black-throated Thrush in East Yorkshire, Caspian Gull and Peregrines at Old Moor RSPB, South Yorkshire.



The Great Grey Shrike present near York showed well at the start of the year. In London a Caspian Gull present one Saturday afternoon in January on the Target Pools at Rainham Marshes RSPB showed reasonably well, whereas the following day a wintering Little Bunting to the south east of the capital showed extremely well on a grassland path. A compilation from a trip to Cyprus at the end of March/early April features several Wheatears including last looks at an overwintering Finsch's Wheatear before it crossed the Mediterranean for the summer, a rarity for the island in the form of a Tree Sparrow, and the superlative Caspian Plover seen literally at the end of the trip. Next up, from early May the Black-browed Albatross returning to Yorkshire's Bempton Cliffs RSPB, giving the Gannets a gliding lesson. A week later the Iberian Chiffchaff singing in London's Regent's Park showed fairly well. A compilation from a weekend in Germany with a few species from the Waghäusel reserve near Karlsruhe (May). Next up, the sighting of the year/decade/century in GB of the Eleonora's Falcon at Worth Marshes, Kent, this June, not to forget the accompanying Red-footed Falcon. Also from June a fantastic display from the Honey Buzzards at Wykeham Forest, North Yorkshire including wing clapping and the Woodchat Shrike further up the coast near Scaling Dam Reservoir. The summer brought Spoonbills and Great White Egret sightings at Rainham Marshes RSPB, London with several juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls and an adult Caspian Gull across the river at Erith. The Greater Sand Plover on the coast at Redcar, Yorkshire, showed well with Ringed Plovers in late August and a few hours later connected with Bempton's (Red-tailed) Shrike on its last day on site later that Saturday evening, having seen it when moulting in July. At the end of the month and into September Kilnsea, Spurn held some nice sightings, with Citrine Wagtail, Red-necked Phalaropes and Caspian Gulls providing a range of scarcities to see. Ospreys lingered at lakes and ponds including at Welbeck, Nottinghamshire, Ecclesfield, and Old Moor RSPB, South Yorkshire with the latter site holding a Pectoral Sandpiper the day after a front crossed the country from the Atlantic. Star attraction of this period, which I was lucky to see, Wantage's Nighthawk in Oxfordshire. A strong contender amongst a list of many for rarity of the year. A compilation from a November trip to Cyprus includes a very confiding Little Bittern and the enigmatic Wallcreeper. The end of the year saw wet and windy conditions on the jet stream conveyor belt across Great Britain, Norfolk's wintering Pallid showed well on one calmer day in late December at Warham Greens. A large and dominating Caspian Gull present along the factory roof by the River Don in Sheffield allowed for a very close study, whereas the similarly aged individual at Old Moor RSPB, Barnsley at the year end was a smaller individual.



Franklin's Gull, a rare visitor from North America, this striking gull showed well against a backdrop of leaden skies at Swillington Ings RSPB in West Yorkshire early evening on Monday 24 May. It was very vocal amongst a small group of Black-headed Gulls. A Common Rosefinch over in East Yorkshire and down at Spurn Point later in May, where it showed briefly at the top of the tangles. The amazing Black-browed Albatross at Bempton Cliffs RSPB, Yorkshire, next up in July, with further footage from September. The Elegant Tern showed very well in the Tern colony at Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey, North Wales in July. As the weather finally cooled later that month, Lincolnshire's Pacific Golden Plover gave nice views at Frampton Marsh RSPB. Into August and a wandering Isle of Wight White-tailed Eagle was most welcome and it's the time of year to practice your juvenile Caspian Gull identification skills, Cromer and Spurn. Not forgetting the fuss caused by Yorkshire's first White-tailed Plover, with further footage from September added. In Cheshire a Wilson's Phalarope performed for several days by the England/Wales border and across the country Short-eared Owls performed well near Spurn, East Yorkshire. Hartlepool's Arctic Warbler (October) sandwiched between Caspian Gulls at Attenborough NR, Nottingham a few days beforehand and the returning adult Caspian Gull at Snaresbrook, London in late November.



A smart 1st winter Caspian Gull present in early March by Erith Pier, London brightened up a dull birding period for which wind and rain had haunted weekend birding early in the yearNext up as Lockdown eased was the Bearded Vulture in the Peak District followed by an Osprey stopping over in North Yorkshire, both seen in August. A Mountain Hare gave good views in late summer in the Peak District with a trip to the Yorkshire coast in early September producing fantastic views of a Wryneck and visiting Spoonbills at Kilnsea, Spurn. Further into September the Dearne Valley, South Yorkshire hosted Common Crane, Spoonbills and a Great White Egret and out on the coast Barnacle Geese found themselves off course for their wintering grounds. Rare visitors feature in what will probably be the final footage of the year a compilation showing at distance, Taiga Flycatcher, at speed, Firecrest, and as a blur, the West Yorkshire adult Brown? Shrike.

Birding UK (October Compilation)

Caspian Gull - London (UK) - Mar 2020


London's early year Bonaparte's Gull didn't disappoint putting on a brilliant show during the first Saturday in February.  A compilation from a trip to Cyprus at the end of March / early April includes Semi-collared Flycatcher, Hooded Wheatear and Pallid Harrier. Singing Bramblings features in a video from Ingbirchworth Reservoir, South Yorkshire (Mar/Apr 2019) and a surprise sighting of 2 Common Cranes flying over Low Moor and Midhope Reservoir at Easter. May Day Bank Holiday weekend and connected with the Iberian Chiffchaff singing at South Kirkby, West Yorkshire, with a drake Ferruginous Duck present on a nearby pond. Followed by a compilation from just under a week birding in Extremadura, Spain with a visit to the Sierra de Gredos, Castile and León included - Spanish Imperial Eagles, Lesser Kestrels, Rollers etcAt the end of May connected with the Great Reed Warbler at Wintersett Res., West Yorkshire. A Great White Egret flew onto Rainham Marshes RSPB one Sunday afternoon in late July. In early August a Cattle Egret joined Little Egrets at almost the same place within Rainham Marshes RSPB. 

Fantastic Caspian Gulls in early August on the Thames across from Rainham Marshes RSPB. September saw some rare waders sighted in the North West and in West Yorkshire including American Golden Plovers, Red-necked Phalarope, Pectoral Sandpipier and Long-billed Dowitcher. A Red-breasted Flycatcher showed on and off at Kilnsea, Spurn, East Yorkshire one Saturday in late September. A visit to Cyprus in October 2019 yielded footage of returning Greater Sandplover and Finsch's Wheatear. December yielded the returning, and stunning, Caspian Gull to Eagle Pond, Snaresbrook, London. The year ended with a compilation from a trip to Scotland just before Xmas, and twitching Rough-legged Buzzard back home and Eastern Yellow Wagtails in Northumberland and Norfolk over the festive period.

Birding UK (December Compilation)

Caspian Gull - London (UK) - Dec 2019
Finsch's Wheatear - (Cyprus) - Oct 2019
Greater Sandplover - (Cyprus) - Oct 2019

Red-breasted Flycatcher - East Yorkshire (UK) - Sep 2019
Birding UK (Waders Compilation) - Sep 2019 - Sep 2019
Caspian Gulls - London (UK) - Aug 2019

Cattle Egret - London (UK) - Aug 2019
Great White Egret - London (UK) - July 2019
Great Reed Warbler - West Yorkshire (UK) - May 2019



The year started with the reappearance of London's Horned (Shore) Lark, brief footage in icy rain from early February, following on with the capital's dapper drake Scaup. Back home a Yellow-browed Warbler and Firecrest delighted visitors to the Wath Area's Wombwell Ings RSPB in early March 2018. A compilation from a trip to Cyprus in March - includes the fantastic Mandria Cream-coloured Courser. Next up, Spring passage Iceland Gulls nr Rainham Marshes RSPB, London in April 2018. Ending Spring with a compilation from trips to New Jersey, USA and Germany, plus the fantastic Magnificent Frigatebird seen at the former. 

Returning wader passage signals the start of birding "autumn" in July, with record footage of the Marsh Sandpiper from Rainham Marshes RSPB, London. September saw The Wath Area, Barnsley, South Yorkshire host a few good records and I managed to get footage of the Dipper, Spotted Crake and Grey Phalarope that were in residence. A twitch over the Pennines to see the wonderful Pallid Harrier that spent a couple of days or so in The Fylde. Back on Cyprus at the end of October / early November and it didn't disappoint. A nice variety of species with again Eleonora's Falcons top billing, some late season herons and friends, and finally... Finsch's Wheatear.

Birding Cyprus Compilation - Oct/Nov 2018
Dipper, Spotted Crake and Grey Phalarope - South Yorkshire (UK) - Sep 2018
Pallid Harrier - Lancashire (UK) - Sep. 2018

Marsh Sandpiper - London (UK) - July 2018
Birding Germany Compilation - June 2018
Birding Cape May Compilation - May 2018

Magnificent Frigatebird - Cape May (USA) - May 2018
Iceland Gull - London (UK) - Apr. 2018
Birding Cyprus Compilation - Mar. 2018

Yellow-browed Warbler and Firecrest - South Yorkshire (UK) - Mar. 2018
Scaup - London (UK) - Feb. 2018
Horned (Shore) Lark - London (UK) - Feb. 2018


Starting with a Caspian Gull in West Yorkshire and the grey/pale (European) Stonechat at Richmond Park, London (January). Waxwing at Rainham RSPB, London soon follows with another Caspian Gull and Yorkshire White-fronted Geese by the end of January. Back at Rainham a Short-eared Owl showed briefly (February). Late March 2017 visit to Germany - nice views of Osprey and Nutcracker plus a Bluethroat. Spring compilation and the Lancashire Pallid Harrier footage added.

A compilation from Cape May, NJ, USA (early May) followed by the returning Bonaparte's Gull to Oare Marshes, Kent (July), with a smart Spotted Flycatcher, Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (August). Ending the summer with some raptor footage including 2 Yorkshire Ospreys and early autumn birding featured an inland Red-throated Diver, east coast rarities and the mega Ryhope Scops Owl. Falcons giving flying lessons and other highlights from Cyprus (October).

Ending the year with record shot footage of the Hawfinch back home at Broomhill Flash, Barnsley, South Yorkshire in December 2017.

Hawfinch - South Yorkshire - Dec. 2017 (UK)
Birding Cyprus Compilation - Oct. 2017

Scops Owl - Ryhope, Durham (UK) - Sep. 2017
Birding UK (Yorkshire Compilation) - Sep. 2017
Birding UK (Raptors Compilation) - Aug. 2017

Spotted Flycatcher - London (UK) - Aug. 2017
Bonaparte's Gull - Kent (UK) - July 2017
Birding Cape May Compilation - May 2017

Pallid Harrier - Lancashire (UK) - Apr. 2017
Birding UK (Spring Compilation)
Birding Germany Compilation - March 2017

Short-eared Owl - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (UK) - Feb. 2017
White-fronted Geese - Ingbirchworth Res., South Yorkshire (UK) - Jan. 2017
Caspian Gull - Thames Barrier Park, London (UK) - Jan. 2017

Waxwing - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (UK) - Jan. 2017
Stonechat - Richmond Park, London - Jan. 2017
Caspian Gull (plus small dark LBB Gull) - Anglers CP, West Yorkshire (UK) - Jan. 2017


A couple of trips to Cyprus (Apr and Oct) with many highlights including Cyprus, Desert and Hooded Wheatears plus Eleonora's Falcons. Compilation from Spain with the stunning Spanish Imperial Eagles and lots more. UK highlights from 2016 include Rainham Jack Snipe, Short-eared Owl, Cattle Egret and Merlin. Not to forget a Yorkshire adult Caspian Gull, Old Moor compilation and the bird of the decade - Siberian Accentor at Easington, East Yorkshire. Ending the year with a compilation from Yorkshire at Xmas - includes (Eastern) Black Redstart, Hen Harrier, Caspian Gull and Waxwings.

Birding UK (December Compilation)

Merlin - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (UK) - Oct. 2016
Cattle Egret - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (UK) - Oct. 2016
Siberian Accentor - Easington, East Yorkshire (UK) - Oct. 2016

Birding Cyprus Compilation - Oct. 2016
Hobby - Old Moor RSPB, South Yorkshire (UK) - Sep. 2016
Caspian Gull - Ingbirchworth Res., South Yorkshire (UK) - Sep. 2016

Birding Spain Compilation - May. 2016
Birding Cyprus Compilation - Apr. 2016
Jack Snipe & Short-eared Owl - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, UK - Jan/Mar. 2016


Lots from Cape May (May and Oct), Spain and Germany (June). Highlights include Western Kingbird, tangling Bald Eagles, Southern Grey Shrike, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Bluethroat and Marsh Warbler. A variety from the UK including Rainham Red Kite, Water Rail and Spoonbill, and Yorkshire Woodchat Shrike, Pied Wheatear, Citrine Wagtail, Jack Snipe and Great White Egret. Ending the year with the wintering Norfolk Pallid Harrier. 

Pallid Harrier - Flitcham, Norfolk, UK - Dec. 2015

Birding Cape May Compilation - Oct. 2015
Pied Wheatear, Citrine Wagtail and Jack Snipe - Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, UK - Oct. 2015
Woodchat Shrike - Nosterfield, North Yorkshire, UK - Sep. 2015
Great White Egret - Old Moor RSPB, South Yorkshire, UK - Sep. 2015
Birding Spain Compilation - June 2015
Birding Germany Compilation - June 2015

Birding Cape May Compilation - May. 2015
Spoonbill - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, UK - Apr. 2015
Water Rail and Red Kite - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, UK - Jan/Jul. 2015



Kumlien's Gull from a New Year South Yorkshire gull roost plus the Sussex Short-toed Eagle. Lots of compilation videos as well - Birding UK Spring (inland Long-tailed Skua, Arctic Terns and Short-toed Lark) - Birding Germany in April (inc. Black-necked Grebes, Marsh Harrier and Crested Lark) - Birding Cape May in the Spring (inc. Cerulean Warbler and Red-headed Woodpecker, Wild Turkey, Black-necked Stilt and more) - Birding UK Autumn (Barred Warblers, Masked and Steppe Grey Shrikes). Please take a look.

Birding UK (Autumn Compilation)
Short-toed Eagle - Ashdown Forest, Sussex, UK - Jun. 2014
Birding Cape May Compilation - May 2014

Birding UK (Spring Compilation)
Birding Germany Compilation - Apr. 2014
Kumlien's Gull - Broomhead Res., South Yorkshire, UK - Jan. 2014


Compilation highlights from two trips to Cape May (May and Sep/Oct) and Germany. UK birding videos include the London Bonaparte's Gull present in the summer in 30C heat, Icterine Warbler and Wryneck at Kilnsea, Spurn, an Essex Parrot Crossbill (not a Ring Ouzel!), Rainham Short-eared Owl, the south coast Xmas special - Brunnich's Guillemot, and not to forget the amazing Two-barred Crossbills back home in South Yorkshire.

Two-barred Crossbills - Broomhead Res., South Yorkshire, UK - Winter 2013

Brünnich's Guillemot - Portland Harbour, Dorset, UK - Dec. 2013
Ivory Gull - Patrington Have, East Yorkshire, UK - Dec. 2013
Short-eared Owl - Titchwell RSPB, Norfolk, UK - Nov. 2013

Parrot Crossbill - Shoeburyness, Essex, UK - Oct. 2013
Birding Cape May Compilation - Oct. 2013
Icterine Warbler and Wryneck - Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, UK - Aug. 2013

Bonaparte's Gull - Crossness, London, UK - Jul. 2013
Birding Germany Compilation - Jun. 2013
Birding Cape May Compilation - May 2013



In this section the birding videos from 2012 including lots of footage from the Birdfinders trip to California in September as well as Germany in the Spring. UK footage of Buff-bellied Pipit, Iceland and Kumlien's Gulls, Pied Flycatcher, Short-eared Owl, Spoonbill, Roller, Lesser Scaup, Yellow-browed Warbler, Bee-eater and more.

Birding UK (Winter Compilation)
Buff-bellied Pipit - Queen Mother Res., Berkshire, UK - Dec. 2012

Bee-eater - Seaburn, County Durham, Nov. 2012
Yellow-browed Warbler - Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, UK - Sep. 2012
Birding California Compilation - Sep. 2012

Spoonbill - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, UK - Jul. 2012
Roller - Aldbrough, East Yorkshire, UK - Jun. 2012
Pied Flycatcher and Short-eared Owl, East Yorkshire - May 2012

Birding Germany Compilation - May 2012
Iceland and Kumlien's Gulls - Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, UK - Mar. 2012
Lesser Scaup - Cosmeston Lakes CP, South Wales - Feb. 2012


2004 - 2011

The following birding video is a compilation from 2004 - 2011 and features birds from the UK, USA, Germany and Madeira - Caspian, Yellow-legged, Glaucous and Iceland Gulls, Black Grouse, Purple Heron, Woodchat Shrike, Spotted Crake, Pectoral and Semipalmated Sandpipers, Ferruginous Duck, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Bald Eagle, Merlin, Broad-winged Hawk, Fish Crow, Gannet, Grasshopper Warbler, Hobby, Kingfisher, Smew and Sparrowhawk. 

Birding Compilation - UK, USA, Germany and Madeira (2004 - 2011)

Any comments about my birding pages - please email me at

Diederik (Didric) Cuckoo - Lake Paralimni (Cyprus) - Mar. 2023