Latest Birding Videos (YouTube)

Latest Birding Videos taken this year presented below - via YouTube. Clicking on the links below the pictures to launch the videos on YouTube. Each footage will open in a separate window. Please enjoy. 



A compilation from London and nearby early in the year including a record of the Northern Waterthrush in Essex, Short-eared Owls at Rainham Marshes RSPB, Ferruginous Duck at Snaresbrook, London and a record of the White-billed Diver in the Thames estuary, Essex. Next up another compilation but of scarce gulls in London, Caspian, Yellow-legged and Mediterranean Gulls, along the Thames and also at Wanstead. A compilation from Cyprus in April 2024 includes a variety of different species such as Great Snipe, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and Collared Flycatcher. A record of the flyover Osprey near Upper Midhope, South Yorkshire in late May 2024. Summer birding started with nice views of a rarity, Black-winged Pratincole present just into Yorkshire at Finningley in July 2024. Summer gulls allowed for study of Yellow-legged Gulls and Caspian Gulls on the Thames in July and August, and the month ends with passage Ospreys in Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire respectively. A compilation from Cyprus with a focus on raptors including footage of a scarce visitor - Saker Falcon as well as Lesser Spotted Eagles and Honey Buzzards amongst other passage raptors.