Waghäusel, officially known as Wagbachniederung is
a jewel of a wetland located in the Rhine Rift Valley a few kms east of the
Rhine itself and in between Karlsruhe and Mannheim, Baden-Württemburg.
Characterised by Reedbeds, water meadows and basins this is a well known
birding site. Essentially rectangular in shape the main entrance is from the
south, heading in just north of the church. The track skirts a cafe and farm
passing through the treelined southern perimeter. Working through this area the
meadows flanked by plentiful hedges gives way to the basins, nettlebeds meeting
reedbeds in the northern section of the reserve where an expansive 180 degrees
view over a reedbed along its northern flank can be had. In the main the paths
are elevated throughout and this allows for extensive views and especially from
the ‘Bluethroat’ benches at the T-junction overlooking the northern reedbed and
accompanying pools. From here the paths to the left or right allow for the
northern perimeter to be walked.
A variety of species can be seen on this reserve and
it is a great place to see and study species that are scarce Spring/Summer
visitors to GB. Our highlights from two visits just beyond mid May 2024 as
follows. The weather was fair throughout with light variable winds, although
thunderstorms threatened late afternoon on the second visit.
The first visit saw a tally of around 75 species
seen or heard, the entrance allowing passerines to get a head start of the
marshland birds. Nightingales widespread though not as showy as last
year. The entrance hedgerows and woodland edge held Whitethroats, Blackcaps
and Chiffchaffs plus Greenfinches
and Goldfinches. Most unexpected was a low pass from a Black
Woodpecker. A sentinel Red-backed Shrike was the start of many about
the reserve and as the paths opened up to reveal the first nettle/reedbeds Marsh
Warblers soon added to the list as were Turtle Doves, nice to see at
least half a dozen over the two visits.
The ponds held a variety of ducks including Red-crested
Pochards and Garganey and three species of Grebe could be
found, Great-crested, Little and Black-necked.
A Little Egret was unexpected, more expected
a lone Great White Egret. Grey Herons present and the colony of Purple
Herons are now at the northern edge of the reserve. The pool/scrape north
of the ‘Bluethroat’ benches held passage waders on the first visit such as Ruff,
Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpipers and Little Stints and
more local Lapwings and Little Ringed Plovers. Activity from the Black-headed
Gull colony best viewed from here and an adult Mediterranean Gull
present plus a handful of Yellow-legged Gulls with a pair looking like
they were nesting. Nice to hear the deep call, well different to Herring Gull. A
1st summer Little Gull dropped in and on the second visit, and a Common
Tern flew over the site heading towards the Rhine.
Marsh Harriers over the reedbeds where one Bluethroat
showed well late afternoon on the first visit, the white spot shone like a
mirror reflecting sunlight. The reedbeds home to Reed Warblers, a
reasonably showy Savi’s Warbler, with at least one more heard, and Cuckoos.
Along the north west perimeter the poplars held a singing Golden Oriole that
would not be seen although a party of Short-toed Treecreepers could be
found. Here the line of reeds held a ‘croaking’ Great Reed Warbler.
As in previous visits over the years it is not just
good birding at ground level, up above always something on offer. White
Storks ever present, Marsh Harriers returned from their wanderings. Common
Buzzards and Black Kites in the skies as well as Kestrel. A
single and brief Hobby was surprising, thought more would have been seen
and more regular sightings. Raven heard to the south east and Red
Kites only seen on the second visit, but numbers soon made up for the first
visit absence. More to offer as at least one Osprey over the northern area
of the reserve one came in from the north and on show for a bout 5 minutes
before heading off north east. It or another came back from the north and
drifted west towards the Rhine mid-afternoon. A dark type Honey Buzzard
came in high overhead and drifted north east, typically not flapping once. On
the second visit the north east corner saw a pale type Honey Buzzard patrolling
above the woodland edge even ‘wing-clapping’ on several occasions. But a ringtail
Harrier that came in high from the south and drifted off north east put Honey
Buzzard and Osprey into 2nd and 3rd place. We could
quickly establish it was Pallid or Montagu’s and a look on site at photos taken
by another birder confirmed my gut feeling of Montagu’s Harrier, a 1st
summer ringtail. Key was the pattern of the inner primaries. I’m thinking 1st
summer male based upon the very pale underparts and the big pale ovals seen on a
brief view of the upper-wing, whose true colour may have been ‘bleached’ out by
the sunlight.
Red-backed Shrike |
Great Reed Warbler |
White Stork |
Montagu's Harrier |
Hobby |
Saalbachniederung Bruchsal
Saalbachniederung Bruchsal essentially a grassland
area with flooded gravel pit is located a few kms to the south of Waghäusel.
The walk out from the small car park to the south is pleasant through the
grassland on well-marked tracks. The grasslands spread for miles and looks to
be of birding interest throughout the year.
As to be expected at this location on approaching
the pit/lake the far carrying song of Great Reed Warblers was heard. However,
another could be heard by the workings near the start of the walk. The ones by
the pit/lakes showed reasonably well where as in the past Great White Egrets,
Grey Herons and several duck and geese species seen. Marsh Harrier
seen in the distance and A Ruddy Shelduck could well have been a Category
C (or equivalent) on the German list.
Kingfisher heard and brilliant views of feeding Sand Martins over the water.
White Storks nesting nearby with Kestrels, Black Kites, Red
Kites and Common Buzzards over the area. A ‘prup’ call revealed a
fast flying Bee-eater that moved north west, perhaps no longer a
surprise sighting.
A nice long weekend visiting
friends, with many thanks to all. More photos and sightings from many
trips to this part of Germany can be found at Birding
Germany (pdf).