Sunday 20 October 2024

2024 - Summer Birding - Highlights inc. Great White Egrets on the move

Summer Birding 2024. You could argue that summer and early autumn birding morphs into one. Taking the astronomical definition of the period 21 June 2024 to 23 September 2024, but surely autumn birding starts on 01 July a marker in the calendar any year for the first returning waders.

This period both starts and ends with honourable mentions for Great White Egret. On the last Saturday of June two of these majestic Herons graced Rainham Marshes RSPB, London where there was a start of autumn birding feel with returning singles of Black-tailed Godwit and Curlew feeding on the low tide in Aveley Bay. As with last summer Red Kite discovered the landfill site, but this unlike last year this turned out to be a fleeting visit.

As we moved into July and a chance to twitch the Black-winged Pratincole at Finningley, South Yorkshire which was literally by the border with Nottinghamshire, quite a big Yorkshire Tick. For me this now stands at 351 and for Yorkshire Birding Listers League purposes add two more  (Fea’s-type Petrel, Flamborough Head Aug 2003 and a couple of Isy/Red-tailed-type Shrikes at Kilnsea Oct 1991 and Bempton Cliffs Summer 2022). Though both will soon drop by two with the lumping of the Redpolls. The Pratincole showed reasonably well allowing for the following record photographs. 

Black-winged Pratincole

Elsewhere in July newly fledged Tawny Owls called on most evening walks in south Hertfordshire and similarly when I was back on South Yorkshire’s moorland edge. The latter held churring Nightjars and patrolling Woodcock at dusk. But late July signifies the return of Yellow-legged Gulls to the Thames hoping for Caspian Gulls soon after. Over a dozen juv. Yellow-legged Gulls sighted along the river about the Thamesmead peninsula, and on one visit Mediterranean Gulls appeared out of nowhere at high tide gatherings of the Black-headed Gulls. An adult flew down river with the remainder comprising 4 juvs. including the one below. Whimbrel sounded off in the distance on one visit and Peregrines started to move around with a pair of juvs. attacked a high-tide roost of Black-headed Gulls, honing their hunting skills.  One sticky July evening produced a suburban Peregrine that seemed to be floating in a sky that was like plasma. 

Yellow-legged Gull

Finally into August and on one mid-month visit 2 juv. Caspian Gulls showed on the river at Thamesmead where Yellow-legged Gulls remained on all visits. Early one warm evening a string of silver birds flew low fast along the north side of the Thames at this site, a flock of 50+ ‘Commic’ Terns that included a dozen Black Terns in various degrees of moult. They headed towards the city and must have carried on their journey as they had not returned downriver during the following walk west. ‘Autumn’ Hobby sightings started as early as the 10th July with a juv. chasing anything it could over Rainham Marshes RSPB, London. Were the 4 Ruddy Shelducks that spent some time at Rainham's Aveley Bay wanderers from the Netherlands, potential Category C tick?

Caspian Gull

Ruddy Shelducks

End of August and a good time to spot Ospreys moving south for the winter. Passage birds shown below seen at different sites during the period. 


Into September and Spotted Flycatcher noted again, this time at Rainham Marshes RSPB, London where Hobby sightings continued as expected for late summer and Great White Egret continued. Whinchat seen on one visit and Black-tailed Godwit numbers increased and passage Ruff seen. Just before the end of the period and jumping back in South Yorkshire where Hobby sightings continued, we had a more unexpected sight of 6 Great White Egrets flying over a moorland reservoir heading north. A great time when the birding seasons come together with Swallows and House Martins on the move, Spotted Flycatcher still being seen plus my first skein of winter Pink-footed Geese on the same day as the Egrets. Of those Great White Egrets flocks of 6 and 41 moved through Spurn the same day (18th), perhaps suggesting a more widescale movement taking place. Easy to say that the 6 were the same as those that flew over Upper Midhope? At least 2 remained at Rainham Marshes RSPB as the season drew to a close, a site that saw 2 Spoonbills drop out of the sky looking for somewhere to have a snooze.

Great White Egret

Spotted Flycatcher

Pink-footed Geese


More average photos uploaded at 'Latest UK Bird Photos'. Please enjoy.

Sunday 7 July 2024

2024 - Spring Birding - A bit of a birding Purpurea patch

At the start of the season Ring Ouzels had returned to their Peak District moorland haunts by the end of March where they gave their monotone song and surveyed their summer home from rocky crags. As is typical they disappear quickly either to breed locally in relative silence or head further into the upland cloughs. Stonechats in song flight and Meadow Pipits numerous, as were Curlew who were already several weeks back on the moors. Before the month was out an Osprey headed north along the eastern edge following the ridge slowly at first then adopted a power glide and that was that, it was out of here! Buzzards circled lazily and Kestrels hovered patiently but its smaller relative was in more of a hurry.

Birding on Cyprus around mid April and whilst it may be a couple of weeks or so after favoured visits for Spring birding it was still good, and can be recommended. This time of year offers the chance of seeing later summer visitors such as newly arrived Eleanora's Falcons and Rollers, but you may struggle to see any passage Sylvia Warblers and migrating Harriers. Highlights on this visit included Great Snipe, many Little Crakes and a confiding Baillon's Crake plus unexpected views of Corncrake and Quail. Not to forget a couple of Blue-cheeked Bee-eater sightings and the returning Rollers and Eleanora's Falcons. Please click here for a summary of the birding trip.

In early May back up on the Peak District moorlands where the becks held Willow Warblers and Cuckoos could be heard as could a singing male Redstart hiding away in the canopy. The first sightings of Hobby at the start of the month a time when returning Nightjars 'churred' as Woodcock patrolled a woodland edge at dusk.

Mid May visiting friends in Germany and birding Waghäusel (Wagbachniederung nature reserve) in Baden-Württemburg between Karlsruhe and Mannheim. A summer home to a variety of marshland and reedbed species and famous for its colony of Purple Herons. Bluethroats and a range of Warblers were on offer this Spring and nice views were had of Great Reed Warbler, Savi's Warbler and Marsh Warblers. Bluethroats were elusive but many Red-backed Shrikes present over a couple of visits as were Turtle Doves. A diverse variety of species can be seen or heard here in Spring on this reserve be it Short-toed Treecreepers and calling Golden Oriole in bordering Poplars the chance of passage Ospreys overhead and northbound Waders on the muddy margins, and a glance on the pools can reveal Black-necked Grebes swimming alongside Red-crested Pochards. On the first visit 1 or 2 Ospreys sighted this time plus 2 Honey Buzzards over the two visits and passage Montagu's Harrier also observed. The latter was unexpected as was a Black Woodpecker that flew in front of us over a field, no doubt heading to the forest away to the east. Please click here for a summary of the birding trip.

Moving forward to late May and Honey Buzzards sighted in the UK at Welbeck RWP, Notts. One a wing damaged male, looked quite shocking to see the extent of the missing inner secondaries. In this period and back in the Peak District where a passage Marsh Harrier was most welcome and an Osprey circled a reservoir before heading East in a typical power glide.

When birding in early Spring in the south east at Rainham Marshes RSPB, London there are clear differences between Summer migrant arrival times compared to back up in South Yorkshire. I remember many years ago watching a Glaucous Gull at the end of March whilst listening to a Sedge Warbler in full song during a sleet shower. 'Glaucs' and sleet are probably both now official rarities in the south east! Hobby showed well over the marshes from mid April this year with a gathering of 10 on one visit giving a wonderful flying lesson from the Serin Mound. No Serins here for what is about 12 years or so. Swifts moving through from a similar time and the river produced a movement of Arctic Terns alongside the to be expected Common Terns on one weekend visit when a couple of silent Sandwich Terns almost slipped by unnoticed. Cuckoos present on most visits later in the period and several hidden Lesser Whitethroats were nice to hear, as were 2+ Corn Buntings that sang from the landfill sides. Elsewhere and Black Redstarts just about hang on in the capital with 2 noted singing in April with still the possibility of singing birds continuing to be heard as we move into summer.

A good Spring's birding haul, but birding highlights continued late in the season. A visit to Rainham Marshes RSPB, London (Saturday 08 June 2024) and on walking back to the RSPB centre along the river wall a screaming gull over the Thames wouldn't stop shouting. A look revealed it was mobbing an Osprey that was trying to shake it off, shake it off. The pair flew low overhead and headed north over the reserve before the gull got bored leaving the Osprey to drift off north in peace over the A13 pylon line.

Next day I was back on site and thought watching a Red Kite flying low west up river over a group of passage Ringed Plovers would be the day's highlights. But, on entering the reserve and starting the walk down the ramp 2 large birds in flight caught my attention as they headed slowly east over Aveley Pools. The lead bird was a Grey Heron but the one behind it was clearly different. Another Ardea Heron but both smaller and darker. With relatively recent experience of this species in Germany and Cyprus - couldn't be a Purple Heron, could it? Hurried down to the seats overlooking the reserve and the Heron of interest was now continuing towards the Cordite woodland where I could now see the head profile, typical Purple Heron and the upperparts and overall colouring suggested an immature. It was soon gone behind the woodland so I hurried along to the next look out in case it came back to the marshes. Thankfully it appeared slowly drifting back over the woodland only to land out of sight on the edge of the Winter Pools. These flight views confirmed immature Purple Heron. I got my camera ready as it soon took off and headed out back east/northeast and out of sight. I put the news out on and returned to the centre to let other on site visitors know. Almost immediately it was picked up again this time flying in front of the centre heading west along the southern boardwalk where it appeared to go into Aveley Bay only to make a sharp turn and eventually settled out of sight near Aveley Pools. It was seen a few times in flight by others later in the day including as it left the reserve heading south east. A much better photo than my record photo below, and taken by another observer can be found at Birdguides - Review of the Week: 3-9 June 2024.

Before the summer solstice 2 or 3 Great White Egrets showed on the reserve and Red Kites seemed to discover the landfill as they did for a brief period around the same time last year.

Please find and enjoy:

Sunday 2 June 2024

Birding Germany May 2024


Waghäusel, officially known as Wagbachniederung is a jewel of a wetland located in the Rhine Rift Valley a few kms east of the Rhine itself and in between Karlsruhe and Mannheim, Baden-Württemburg. Characterised by Reedbeds, water meadows and basins this is a well known birding site. Essentially rectangular in shape the main entrance is from the south, heading in just north of the church. The track skirts a cafe and farm passing through the treelined southern perimeter. Working through this area the meadows flanked by plentiful hedges gives way to the basins, nettlebeds meeting reedbeds in the northern section of the reserve where an expansive 180 degrees view over a reedbed along its northern flank can be had. In the main the paths are elevated throughout and this allows for extensive views and especially from the ‘Bluethroat’ benches at the T-junction overlooking the northern reedbed and accompanying pools. From here the paths to the left or right allow for the northern perimeter to be walked.

A variety of species can be seen on this reserve and it is a great place to see and study species that are scarce Spring/Summer visitors to GB. Our highlights from two visits just beyond mid May 2024 as follows. The weather was fair throughout with light variable winds, although thunderstorms threatened late afternoon on the second visit.

The first visit saw a tally of around 75 species seen or heard, the entrance allowing passerines to get a head start of the marshland birds. Nightingales widespread though not as showy as last year. The entrance hedgerows and woodland edge held Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs plus Greenfinches and Goldfinches. Most unexpected was a low pass from a Black Woodpecker. A sentinel Red-backed Shrike was the start of many about the reserve and as the paths opened up to reveal the first nettle/reedbeds Marsh Warblers soon added to the list as were Turtle Doves, nice to see at least half a dozen over the two visits.

The ponds held a variety of ducks including Red-crested Pochards and Garganey and three species of Grebe could be found, Great-crested, Little and Black-necked.

A Little Egret was unexpected, more expected a lone Great White Egret. Grey Herons present and the colony of Purple Herons are now at the northern edge of the reserve. The pool/scrape north of the ‘Bluethroat’ benches held passage waders on the first visit such as Ruff, Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpipers and Little Stints and more local Lapwings and Little Ringed Plovers. Activity from the Black-headed Gull colony best viewed from here and an adult Mediterranean Gull present plus a handful of Yellow-legged Gulls with a pair looking like they were nesting. Nice to hear the deep call, well different to Herring Gull. A 1st summer Little Gull dropped in and on the second visit, and a Common Tern flew over the site heading towards the Rhine.

Marsh Harriers over the reedbeds where one Bluethroat showed well late afternoon on the first visit, the white spot shone like a mirror reflecting sunlight. The reedbeds home to Reed Warblers, a reasonably showy Savi’s Warbler, with at least one more heard, and Cuckoos. Along the north west perimeter the poplars held a singing Golden Oriole that would not be seen although a party of Short-toed Treecreepers could be found. Here the line of reeds held a ‘croaking’ Great Reed Warbler.

As in previous visits over the years it is not just good birding at ground level, up above always something on offer. White Storks ever present, Marsh Harriers  returned from their wanderings. Common Buzzards and Black Kites in the skies as well as Kestrel. A single and brief Hobby was surprising, thought more would have been seen and more regular sightings. Raven heard to the south east and Red Kites only seen on the second visit, but numbers soon made up for the first visit absence. More to offer as at least one Osprey over the northern area of the reserve one came in from the north and on show for a bout 5 minutes before heading off north east. It or another came back from the north and drifted west towards the Rhine mid-afternoon. A dark type Honey Buzzard came in high overhead and drifted north east, typically not flapping once. On the second visit the north east corner saw a pale type Honey Buzzard patrolling above the woodland edge even ‘wing-clapping’ on several occasions. But a ringtail Harrier that came in high from the south and drifted off north east put Honey Buzzard and Osprey into 2nd and 3rd place. We could quickly establish it was Pallid or Montagu’s and a look on site at photos taken by another birder confirmed my gut feeling of Montagu’s Harrier, a 1st summer ringtail. Key was the pattern of the inner primaries. I’m thinking 1st summer male based upon the very pale underparts and the big pale ovals seen on a brief view of the upper-wing, whose true colour may have been ‘bleached’ out by the sunlight.

Red-backed Shrike

Great Reed Warbler

White Stork

Montagu's Harrier


Saalbachniederung Bruchsal

Saalbachniederung Bruchsal essentially a grassland area with flooded gravel pit is located a few kms to the south of Waghäusel. The walk out from the small car park to the south is pleasant through the grassland on well-marked tracks. The grasslands spread for miles and looks to be of birding interest throughout the year.

As to be expected at this location on approaching the pit/lake the far carrying song of Great Reed Warblers was heard. However, another could be heard by the workings near the start of the walk. The ones by the pit/lakes showed reasonably well where as in the past Great White Egrets, Grey Herons and several duck and geese species seen. Marsh Harrier seen in the distance and A Ruddy Shelduck could well have been a Category C (or equivalent) on the German list.

Kingfisher heard and brilliant views of feeding Sand Martins over the water. White Storks nesting nearby with Kestrels, Black Kites, Red Kites and Common Buzzards over the area. A ‘prup’ call revealed a fast flying Bee-eater that moved north west, perhaps no longer a surprise sighting.

A nice long weekend visiting friends, with many thanks to all. More photos and sightings from many trips to this part of Germany can be found at Birding Germany (pdf).

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Birding Cyprus 13 - 20 April 2024 - Summary

Generally warm and sunny weather throughout though cloudy and a few spots of rain towards the end of the trip. Light variable winds but one afternoon was perhaps typically breezy at Akrotiri. Temperatures mid to high 20Cs.

The north west – Despite staying relatively close to the north west corner of Cyprus I tend to be drawn more towards the south coast, the birding hotspots of Paphos and surrounding area then Akrotiri usually get more attention despite their distance from the NW. So, this time deliberately made a couple of visits to Baths of Aphrodite, but whilst it was slow for migrant birds it was still good birding with great scenic views. Pallid Swifts were consistent on both visits showing nicely over the ridge, and early in the trip a noticeable movement of (Barn) Swallows included a few Red-rumped Swallows. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler allowed for study including of their Reed Warbler like song.

A few kms inland and noted Masked ShrikeCyprus Warbler and Cretzschmar’s Bunting on territory near Agios Minas Chapel where a Nightjar “churred” one evening late in the trip. Cyprus Scops Owls called most nights but not with as much strength as found when visiting in March. Driving south from this corner produced Rollers returning to their summer haunts and Bonelli’s Eagle patrolling the area. Laughing Doves now frequently seen if not commonplace here, continuing their spread in this part of the world. Two of the most bizarre sightings occurred in the north west on the first day (Sunday 14 April 2024). Firstly, a Quail was seen crossing the road with about 10 young around midday and then that evening about one hour after sunset a dark shape, like a brown ball was in the middle of a road. It allowed me to stop and investigate. What I thought could have been a hedgehog was in fact a Corncrake. Didn’t think I’d be stood over a Corncrake in the middle of a road, which is usually busy but thankfully not on this occasion, asking it to fly into the neighbouring field! It did so with a bit of encouragement.

Masked Shrike
Bonelli's Eagle

Eastern Olivaceous Warbler

Paphos and surrounding area – only one visit to Paphos Headland this trip but had nice views of a male Semi-collared Flycatcher seemingly out of place in scrub by the lighthouse. Another gave fleeting glimpses as it annoyed a male Collared Flycatcher in the entrance trees where a female Pied Flycatcher completed the Ficedula set. Nightingale seen and perhaps a late wintering or migrant Robin. Nearby Asprokremmos Dam and Mandria fields offered a variety of species to keep the trip list going. At least 3, probably double that, of male Collared Flycatchers in the pines of the former noted on one visit where a couple of Wood Warblers shone brightly. Asprokremmos Dam always worth a visit as it offers chance of something migrating over. Not much this time but nice to see Purple Heron over and Marsh Harrier, the Dam itself yielded about 50 Yellow-legged Gulls on the water on all visits. The main attraction near to Paphos were the soakways, the ponds at Agia Varvara, in particular the motorway pools. It held quite a lot of Little Crakes usually several seen with 5, 6 and 9 noted on 3 visits. An elusive Baillon’s Crake eventually showed well as did the Great Snipe whose identification caused a bit of a stir as when first present tended to be more in cover than showing at the water’s edge. Pleased to get the following record shots showing some of the identification features. Little Bittern seen on one visit, but Night Herons and Squacco Herons present throughout. Purple Herons seen moving through one evening where early in the trip an Eleonora’s Falcon was hunting over the bottom of the Ezousas valley, allowing for nice continued study of the structure and flight technique. Great Spotted Cuckoo in the Ezousas valley, thought they may be difficult as mid to late April is relatively late in their summer season, and Long-legged Buzzards showed on occasion.

Semi-collared Flycatcher

Baillon's Crake

Great Snipe 
Great Snipe


Troodos – part of one afternoon spent walking the trails around Troodos village square produced all endemic subspecies that make home in this area. All seen apart from (Guillemardi) Crossbill that could be heard flying over. (Cyprus) Coal Tits showed their extensive dark plumage, (Dorothy’s) Short-toed Treecreeper widespread but tricky to locate but nice views of (Cyprus) Jay. Singing Masked Shrike seen by the village square, and the visit also saw a nice drop in temperatures of about 10 degrees compared to earlier that afternoon around Paphos.

(Cyprus) Jay
(Cyprus) Jay

Akrotiri – always could be relied upon to produce good birding. Lady’s Mile held a selection of wading birds. Noteworthy being 3 Red-necked Phalaropes in a variety of plumages (1x winter, 1x moutling to summer plumage and 1x advanced female in its moult) and almost being trod upon by feeding Greater Flamingos, or was it deliberately “slaloming” through their legs? 2 Avocets amongst the commoner Black-winged Stilts, 200 Ruffs and large numbers of Little Stints and the staple for the area, Kentish Plover. Regal looking Slender-billed Gulls had bills that looked almost black in the strong sunlight whilst Little Terns flew over the shallow pools. On one visit 2 Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters were on roadside wires nearby by the track to Zakaki Marsh Hide (Friday 19 April 2024). The following day 2 were showing and calling near to Akrotiri Marsh, which itself held a variety of Herons and relatives – Purple, Squacco and Glossy Ibis plus Cattle Egrets, and an array of waders including Marsh Sandpiper, Ruff, Wood Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit and Spotted Redshank. Garganey slept at the same pools seemingly oblivious to the presence of the fast feeding migrating waders. A Great Reed Warbler “croaked” its song from out of sight in the reeds near the lower hide on one visit. Heading off peninsula my first visit to the M1 Pools, Akrotiri’s soakways. A variety of birds attracted to such an oasis including feeding hirundines and on a boom what would have made a cracking id photo were of Wood Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper all in a line! Very lucky to catch up with a Citrine Wagtail on one of the rocky pools as it moved in loose association with Black-headed (Yellow) Wagtails through a boulder field (Friday 19 April 2024). Off in the north western corner Eleonora’s Falcons had returned to Episkopi (Kensington) Cliffs and Alpine Swifts put on a nice show there.  If only these Falcons could set up territory at Bempton?

Citrine Wagtail
Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters

Eleonora's Falcon

Cattle Egret

About 120 species seen during the week all at a relatively calm pace. A full trip report to follow plus video compilation.

Many thanks to all who helped me in the field and online, very much appreciated.