Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Cape May: 4th time lucky for the Goldie

My final 2 days at Cape May were quieter than the stunning movement on the Thursday, perhaps I was spoilt. Higbees held a smaller variety of reverse migrants, the Dickcissel continued at the Hawkwatch platform where the drake Eurasian Wigeon lingered on Bunker Pond, where a noticeable build up of dabbling ducks was occurring. American Bitterns migrated over the Point at dusk and the local Great Horned Owls became vocal. Additions to the trip list included a juv. White-crowned Sparrow with the Hawkwatch Spuggy flock on the final day and the best to last, just 15 minutes before I left on that day (Saturday 17 October 2015). It was a graceful immature Golden Eagle flying over Bunker Pond having been seen a few moments earlier by a local birder over Cape May town. The 4th seen migrating at Cape May during my trip, but proved to be 4th time lucky for me for this breathtaking species.

Trip report to come in the following weeks - nearly 150 species (not chasing after everything) but connected with 3 lifers (Bell'sVireo, Western Kingbird and Rusty Blackbird) and a 2nd (Swainson's Hawk). This birding magnet offers one of the best birding experiences in the world. It's not just due to the birds, but to the cracking birding community it holds.