First up, Cyprus 10 days in total starting towards the end of September through to the first Saturday of October. Weather steady around the 30C mark. Surprisingly calm with only a few afternoons characterised with a stiff, yet refreshing westerly breeze. Mainly light and variable breeze from day to day for the morning push of raptors out over Akrotiri. Amazing autumn for raptor passage in which the stream of passage Honey Buzzards overshadowed by other species. I was lucky to see 20 raptor species during the visit, highlight was finding a Saker Falcon which was the first recorded on the island in 6 years plus great views of multiple Lesser Spotted Eagles and several Levant Sparrowhawks.
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Honey Buzzard and Lesser Spotted Eagle |
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Saker Falcon |
Back in GB twitched a couple of "possibles", that need DNA tests of samples to firm up the identification. The Shrike at Gillingham, Dorset thought to be Isabelline Shrike and then the 'Eastern' Stonechat at Trimley Marshes, Suffolk, that looks to be Amur Stonechat. Whilst both may be confirmed they could be lost as species with the shake up of the world bird list talked about for this year.
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Shrike sp. |
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Stonechat sp. |
As autumn progressed Rainham Marshes RSPB, London, delivered its usual wintering (Scandinavian) Rock Pipits and a very smart Dartford Warbler showed well early one November morning along the perimeter. Great White Egret sightings continued into November and 2 flyover Goosanders late that month were noteworthy. Across the Thames the wintering Black-tailed Godwit flock held a colour-ringed individual ringed in Kent in 2020. It has been seen at The Wash and in Iceland as well as in this area back in October 2022 and January 2023. Yellow-legged Gulls noted including a returning green-ringed (now 3rd winter) from the Camargue.
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Yellow-legged Gull |
Back in South Yorkshire where local Raven and Red Kite were most welcome and early November saw Pink-footed Geese on the move. On the moorland edge passage Brambling seen, and after a long lean spell, Crossbills could be seen on occasion with sightings at the year end as well. Saw a couple of the Old Moor RSPB Caspian Gulls around Christmas time, a fine reserve holding a variety of winter visitors.
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Caspian Gull - 2nd Winter |
Twitched the Grey-headed Lapwing in Northumberland that gave itself up in flight with (Northern) Lapwings. A good supporting cast with in excess of 50 Twite moving along the dunes here in the the Druridge Bay area where Pink-footed Geese moved to find daily feeding grounds. On the sea the Common Scoter flock held several Velvet Scoters. The 'slick' of Scoters attracted many Red-throated Divers, up to 2 Black-throated Divers and a diminutive Slavonian Grebe that looked like it would be squashed whenever the Scoters dived in unison. Eider, Red-breasted Mergansers and Great Crested Grebes completed the diverse gathering of waterbirds on the sea. Nearby many Goldeneye on one of the inland pools and further inland Hen Harriers flew over a grassy hillside sometimes alongside a Marsh Harrier, allowing for nice studies of the the flight profiles.
More average photos uploaded at 'Latest UK Bird Photos'. Please enjoy.