Monday, 18 May 2015

Cape May - the relaxing week... sort of!

The 2nd week in Cape May proved slow for passerine migration, but there's always a good variety of resident birds to see. The Painted Bunting showed briefly in foggy conditions on Monday 11 May and once the weather turned overnight, Tuesday 12 May saw a fall of migrants at Higbee's. My highlights were Bay-breasted and Chestnut-sided Warblers, Scarlet Tanagers, Yellow-throated Vireo and a skulking Swainson's Thrush. Waders increased along the Delaware Bayshore during the week and I fluked a White-faced Ibis at Stipsons Island Road at the end of the week, where the Black Rail called at dusk from the salt hay marsh.

A fantastic time. Many thanks to all who make NJ a most welcoming birding destination. Trip report to follow, but here are some photos to whet your appetite.